Derek Bok Center

OEB Graduate Students Receive 2017 Derek Bok Certificate of Distinction in Teaching

September 19, 2017

Congratulations to OEB Graduate students awarded the Spring 2017 Derek Bok Center Certificates of Distinction in Teaching!

Spring 2017: Nicole Bedford (OEB 278), Meghan Blumstein (OEB 52), Mark Cornwall (OEB 57), Nathan Edelman (OEB 242), Molly Edwards (OEB 52), Elizabeth Fiore (OEB 290), Jessica Gersony (OEB 52), Vanessa...

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Jerboa by Haydee Gutierrez

Unpredictability Boosts Survival For Bipedal Desert Rodents

September 5, 2017

Most animals with multiple gaits change at predictable speeds. However, the Jerboas, bipedal desert rodents that use three gaits, transition between these gaits at unpredictable speeds. Talia Moore (former graduate student in Biewener and Losos labs) and Andy Biewener looked at the unpredictability of the jerboas and the benefits for survival over their quadrupedal neighbors in a new study published in...

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The Voice by Andy Morffew flickr

L. Mahadevan Develops A Simple Device That Mimics Complex Birdsongs

August 28, 2017

L. Mahadevan recreated complex birdsongs using air blown through a stretched rubber tube. The study published in Journal of the Royal Society Interface, found the complexity of birdsongs may be due to a simple controllable instability in the structure of the syrinx, a specialized organ used to create songs. News coverage in the...

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Horse in Morning Light by Ron Eskins on Flickr

Investigating the Evolution of Digit Reduction in Fossil Horses

August 23, 2017

Graduate student, Brianna McHorse (Biewener and S. Pierce Lab),  used beam bending to study fossil horses (Equidae) to shed light on the evolutionary forces that led to digit reduction. The study,  in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, supports two historical hypotheses: increased body mass and limb elongation, and elucidates the mystery of the modern horse. One of...

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Green Anole Lizard by Martin de Lusenet_Flikr

How Climate Change is Impacting Natural Selection

August 3, 2017

Shane Campbell-Stanton (PhD '15, Losos and Edwards Labs), offers a rare view of natural selection in the anole lizard due to extreme weather events in a study in Science. As a graduate student, Campbell-Stanton collected DNA in 2013 from lizards in Texas and Oklahoma. Following an unusually harsh winter in 2014, he returned to the field sites to collect new DNA samples. With the before and after samples, Campbell-Staton and...

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