Initiatives and Events

The OEB Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee teatime is a casual space to come listen and speak with others about DIB ideas and issues,or have general conversations with people also interested in DIB ideas. There will be two members of the OEB DIB committee present at each teatime.

Meetings are held on a monthly basis from August to May. Please keep the following guidelines in mind when joining our discussion. 

Guidelines for OEB DIB Teatime

  • We will actively listen when others speak and notice feelings of defensiveness and denial.
  • We will keep an open mind and consider different points of view (i.e., assume you can learn from everyone in the room).
  • We will use "I" language (i.e., we can only speak for ourselves, not for a group).
  • We will honor people's privacy - Stories stay in, ideas go out.
  • We will be respectful of other's experiences and not use offensive language toward one another (i.e., no profanity, slurs, or accusatory language).
  • We will practice accepting growth and change - we are all at different stages of learning.