Edward O. Wilson

E.O. Wilson Receives 2016 Humane Medal

December 16, 2016

Congratulations to E.O. Wilson, recipient of the 2016 Humane Society of New York Humane Medal! The Humane Society chose Prof. Wilson for his lifetime of work, his pioneering efforts to protect the biodiversity of the planet, and in recognition of his 32nd book, "Half Earth."

Image courtesy of Sebastian Voitel

James Hanken Part of Team of Scientists That Discovered Three New Species of Tiny Salamanders

November 15, 2016

James Hanken is part of a team of scientists that have discovered three new speices of minute salamanders in the Sierra Madre del Sur of Oaxaca, Mexico. Until this discovery, only a single species had been reported from the region. The three new salamanders, in the genus Thorius, are the tiniest tailed tetrapods known to science. Featured in:...

Read more about James Hanken Part of Team of Scientists That Discovered Three New Species of Tiny Salamanders
Pardis Sabeti and Team of Scientists Discover Deadly Genetic Mutation in the Ebola Outbreak of 2013-2016

Pardis Sabeti and Team of Scientists Discover Deadly Genetic Mutation in the Ebola Outbreak of 2013-2016

November 3, 2016

Pardis Sabeti is part of two teams of scientists that reported a genetic mutation that may have made Ebola more deadly by improving the virus’s ability to enter human cells. The study in the current issue of Cell analyzed thousands of Ebola genomes before discovering the deadly mutation. Full coverage in...

Read more about Pardis Sabeti and Team of Scientists Discover Deadly Genetic Mutation in the Ebola Outbreak of 2013-2016