OEB Graduate Students Awarded NSF DDIG Grants

March 3, 2017
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Congratulations to OEB graduate students Tauana Cunha (Giribet Lab), "Integrative Research in Gastropods: Phylogeny and Shell Shape Evolution", Mara Laslo (Hanken Lab), "Evaluating the Role of Thyroid Hormone in Embryonic Limb Development in Direct-Developing Frogs", Brianna McHorse (Biewener Lab), "Macroevolutionary Drivers of Digit Reduction in Fossil Horses'", and Zach Morris (S. Pierce Lab), "The Evolution of Crocodylian Cranial Development”, for receiving NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants (DDIG) in the Directorate for Biological Sciences!

See also: Graduate News, 2017